My Weaving Basket


I  have made a weaving basket. I made it because it is matariki. I chose these colours because green is my favourite colour and I like yellow because it kinda goes with green. Also for the handle I added an  orangish colour handle.

What I like about making a weaving basket is that I loved sliding the paper through the black paper. It was a bit hard for me to slide some of it but I still got the chance to finish it on time.  Then I took some pictures and put it on my blog post. I like making these weaving baskets.       Making these weaving baskets are great for matariki.

My Wanted Poster

I put my Wanted poster on because I enjoyed doing it  and because I’ve watch some shows on Netflix that there are a lot of posters and that there are very high numbers. The most I have seen was 10 million. My wanted poster is a superhero and has some special abillitys  His Abilitys are Fly, Laser beam eyes, super speed and super strength. He is also helpful and kind and strong. His name is Jared Rossin and his reward is 5.000. He is wearing a black cape with a red suit and a mask, also with his protection gear. I like my Wanted poster because it looks nice and pretty. It is my first wanted poster i’ve made.

My All About Me

This is my All About Me that I made on a Google Slide. On my All About Me I added all of my favourite things I like to do an play on. I am also Samoan because I have a really great connection with it. Sometimes when I feel bored on my device I go on to one of my favourite games online. It is really fun because you can friend people also have followers even  typing your own comment for your friends and other people to see. Sometimes when I eat some Samoan food sometimes I even eat Taro with it.

Favourite Places I like to go to in Levin

Retail + Commercial | Levin Mall — Thompson Property Group
My Favourite place in Levin is the mall, because there are lots of different and cool shops that have amazing items. Sometimes when I go to the mall  I like to play with the claw machine. Also I like going to the store called dollar pop. Dollar pop is one of my favourite places in the mall. When you walk in the door next to the library and turn to your left you will see it and it will say dollar pop on top.  I also love going to farmers which is near number one shoe. Farmers has lots of clothes, toys also with beds and blankets and other cool items.  I love the mall so much that I will sometimes ask my parents if I can go there to play on the claw machine to win a toy for my baby cousin.

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